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Small Basket White

Regular price $68.95 NZD
Regular price Sale price $68.95 NZD
Tax included.

The Small White 35 litre open basket with modern white trim.

There are so many ways you can use these. A laundry basket for the kids bedroom (they still won't get it in but at least it's a target!) A toy basket, collecting spuds from the garden and washing them...even collecting shellfish! The uses are endless. Hose down the wetsuits, ropes or sailing gear in the basket and hang up to dry. 

Obviously ideal for those beach towels, wetsuits and picnic blankets -  they'll air in the breeze and the sand will just drop through. 

The extra heavy mesh is still fold-able! Perfect for the holiday camping trip. Slip it under the seat or stuff it in the gear bag. 

These baskets are built from ridiculously tough marine mesh. This fabric is designed for trampolines on large multi-hull yachts and architectural screens so it's weather proof, incredibly strong and even has a fireproof rating!  

Measuring 35cm* tall with a diameter of 35cm.

*Due to our supplier of off-cuts and short ends there is a very small variation in the height of the baskets but in multiple orders we will do our best to match heights.